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Animation Demo Reel
AnimChallenge August 2019
This is my submission to AnimChallenge August Spider-man.
Was enjoyable to make, a little out my comfort zone given I tend to keep to realism and don't stretch the character much.
The render didn't turn out great, I wanted it dark-ish but it caused the character to be difficult to see.
I have a few AnimChallenges on my channel, hopefully i can do more whenever I'm free.
Animtober 2018
These are my submissions for Animtober 2018, some went well, others the idea fell flat.
I unfortunately lost time at the end of the event and decided to clean an old animation instead of making a new, hopefully this doesn't become a regular theme, as i hope to make animtober and similar events a constant in my progression.
Rapid Growth Mechanics
I decided to try a weekly animation plan to improve.
I went against the plans decision to make simple animations and pushed them a little, which coupled with lack of time, caused the third Month to suffer.
This is the plan I used:
Lindy Hop Dance
This is an animation I did on and off in my spare time after uni. I Rigged the models using CAT.
Mercy and Tracer are obviously from Overwatch, owned by Blizzard.
The models were downloaded from Rexx art's Public Drive (nsfw)
Music by Hot Sugar Band - Flip Lid
Playable Pixie Character
This was the other half of my pixie character for my final year project. I Rigged and animated in 3ds max and set up the character in Unreal Engines. There wasn't much reason behind the idea to create a Playable pixie apart from that I liked the idea of making it.
Playable Character
We were assigned to create a playable character using motion capture and unreal engines. originally I was considering a lightsaber wielder but I would not have been able to find a suitable actor therefore I opted for a basic two handed sword dualist. 

Other Animations

There are many other animations I've created on my Youtube channel, and it tend to be more up to date though there Isn't much structure to the channel, it's a bit of a mess.

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